Add Filters

Filters provide a quick way to view a selection of book owners, for example all GP's or all Nurses. The default filter displays book owners with active plans.

  1. Select the Saved filters option from the Appointments Setup Menu.
    See - Vision Appointments Setup Menu.
    The list of current filters displays.
  2. Select Add saved filter... from the top of the screen.
    The Create Saved Filter popup displays.
  3. Enter a name for the filter.

  4. If you wish the filter to be available to everyone, tick the Practice wide filter box.
  5. Select the Book Owners that you want to be included.
    Choose Show more clinics or clinicians to see all book owners.
    Note - Inactive book owners display at the end of the list and have a line through the name.
  6. Select the Apply button to save.
    The view updates with the new filter.
  7. Select Save to save your changes, Reset to cancel any changes or Sort (A-Z) to reorder the list.

See - Edit Filters.